Do I upgrade my car?

Lets face it, everyone loves a new car, but is it time to upgrade or should you wait?

There are so many considerations

Current car
-body damage

New car
-improved safety
-improved efficiency
-improved features
-cost & financing

Other factors include

Assuming you have made the decision to purchase a new car you will need to decide how to finance it
-car dealership finance
-home loan
-personal loan
-buy outright

Most people use car dealership finance as they
-have competitive interest rates
-are convenient
-have simple applications

Electric / Hybrid cars
The jury is out
-life of the vehicle

Car Allowance
They are normally untaxed because the deduction claimed is greated than the allowance

Novated Lease
Packaged into your salary (including fringe benefits)
When you leave employment you take the car with you (and loan obligations)

Claiming a tax deduction

Option 1 - cents per km
max 5,000 work km
rate is $0.85 per km (2023-24 tax year)

Option 2 - log book method (link)
actual expenses x work use %

Depreciation limits apply
2024 $68,108
2025 $69,674 (ATO link)

Scenario 1
Current car is 7 years old
175,000km on the odometer
Out of warranty

Recommendation = Yes buy a new car (assuming you can afford it)
-reliability concerns
-improved safety
-improved efficiency
-fully depreciated

The Numbers

-car (see motor vehicles)
-80% work use per log book (see log book rules)

Purchase price $68,000              
Purchase date 15/08/2024              
  Yr1 Yr2 Yr3 Yr4 Yr5 Yr6 Yr7 Yr8
  30/06/2025 30/06/2026 30/06/2027 30/06/2028 30/06/2029 30/06/2030 30/0/2031 30/06/2032
Depreciation (80% work use)               11,923               10,619                 7,964                 5,973                 4,480                 3,360                 2,520                 1,890
Fuel ($100/wk)                 5,200                 5,200                 5,200                 5,200                 5,200                 5,200                 5,200                 5,200
Rego                      850                      850                      850                      850                      850                      850                      850                      850
Insurance                 1,500                 1,500                 1,500                 1,500                 1,500                 1,500                 1,500                 1,500
Repairs & Service                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600
Tyres                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600                      600
Total Deduction (D1)               20,673               19,369               16,714               14,723               13,230               12,110               11,270               10,640