Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet - what do they mean?

Profit and Loss Statement (PL)

PL shows how much profit a business has made


-bank interest

less Expenses

-bank fees
-car expenses
-super etc

equals Profit

Balance Sheet (BS)

The BS shows the businesses assets and liabilities (who it owes $ to)


-accounts receivable


-credit card
-accounts payable
-ATO BAS debt
-loan from director


Tax is payable on the profits (after tax adjustments*)

-Sole Traders pay tax on profits* plus other income eg wages less deductions eg work related expenses at individual marginal tax rates

-Companies pay tax on profits* at company tax rates

-Trusts normally distribute the profits to beneficiaries - Individual beneficiaries pay tax on profits* at individual marginal tax ratesCompany beneficiaries pay tax on profits* at company tax rates

Tags: Bookkeeping | Business | QandA | Tax |